Monday, September 30, 2019

Gender and Educational Achievement

Gender and Educational Achievement a) Explain what is meant by â€Å"peer-group status†. (2 Marks) Peer-group status is being seen as â€Å"big† or important in the eyes of friends and other people around you. b) Suggest three ways in which teaching might be altered to favour boys. (6 Marks) Three ways in which teaching can be altered to favour boys are:- * Include practical work to make sure they understand the work. offering extra credit or chances unequally between males and females, favouring the males * School Topics that the school teaches such as Maths, Design Technology, Physical Education and many more are more male based subjects. c) Outline some of the factors outside the education system that have affected gender differences in school. (12 Marks) There are many factors outside the school education system that have affected gender differences in school.Firstly it can be said that parents expect more from their children to be hardworking, have responsible over their actions and behaviour towards others, to be tidy and neat. This is known as Parental Aspiration. Compared to girls, boys are more Laddish behaved which leads them to disrespect teachers in schools. Furthermore peer pressure can also affect gender difference in school; this is suggested in some case where boys impress their friends by acting like a â€Å"Cool† person, in the end not paying attention in class or to their studies.Whereas most girls are more likely to achieve better in their studies, this is more likely they stay away bad influenced people. According to Francis (2000) â€Å"boys no longer likely to consider themselves more able than girls†, this is considered to the subject choices that boys undertake, which do not require academic success, however girls think more realistic which do require academic success such as becoming an Engineer or a teacher, this makes them seem to work harder in school’s to go to University and to pursue the profess ion job.Additionally other external factors that may affect gender difference in school are crises in masculinity where women and males have equal rights to work and more women get into the well-paid jobs. d) Using information from Items A and B and elsewhere, assess sociological explanations of why girls achieve better results than boys. (20 Marks) Throughout the past years girls are improving and getting better results than boys. Reasons behind these achievements that explain are â€Å"Soft and hard subjects†, parental aspiration, girls aim higher and many more reason.These examples give some idea of why the girls perform better than boys. In this essay I am going to compare on why girls achieve better results than boys. For the past many years studies have been conducted to find out the girls achievements are better than boys, also in the recent studies have been concluded as girls and young women’s attitudes towards education, marriage and work have been changed ov er the years. Sue Sharpe who is a sociologist conducted a study on working-class girls in London and their attitudes towards education.Sue Sharpe compared the attitudes of working-class girls in London schools in the early 1970’s and 1990’s. She found that the 1990’s girls were more confident, more assertive, more ambitious and more committed to gender equality. Sharpe found that the main priorities of the 1970’s girls were ‘love, marriage, husbands and children’. By 1990’s this had changed to ‘job, career and being able to support them with education being the main route to a good job. In 1994, Sue Sharpe found that girls were increasingly wary of marriage.They had seen adult relationships break up around them, and had seen women coping alone, in a ‘man’s world’. Girls were more concerned with standing on their own two feet and were more likely to see education as a means to financial independence. Furthermor e both male and female parents expect more from them in their studies; however boys now tend drift more into large peer groups and involve into gang violence, this makes the boys seem as poorly behaved in school and underachieve in their studies. On the other hand girls are more organised and meet their deadline for their given coursework.Additionally a recognition that girls were put off by what were traditionally seen as â€Å"boys subjects† or also known as hard subject such as maths, technology, physics and chemistry. This led to the introduction of equal opportunity initiatives such as Girls into Science and Technology. But Girls tend to take soft subject for A- level such as Biology, Sociology, textiles and many more, this is because they more easy subject to do. A recent report was on the new which was regarding less than 50% girls are undertaking the subject physics, which is known as a â€Å"manly subject† for A-level.In addition early research on peer-group s tatus states that the development of antischool subculture that tended to be developed by some working-class boys, particularly those placed in lower streams, bands and sets. Studies by Hargreaves (1967) and Willis (1977), for example, showed how such boys were either fatalistic in accepting school failure as inevitable and so developed anti-educational coping strategies, or sought to compensate for status frustration by gaining credibility in the eyes of their peers.To conclude girls in school achieve higher than boys in school, this is because to some of the factors in school and out of school which may affect many boys with their studies and their behaviour. Overall girls seem to be more able to concentrate in class whereas boys are more practical type and choose hard subjects such as physics, maths, Physical Education and many more.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Most Interesting Dream I’Ve Ever Had

THE MOST INTERESTING DREAM I'VE EVER HAD How many times did you ever dream of something so amazing that it's painful for you to wake up? How many times have your dreams surpassed your reality? when our eyelids are heavy and midnight hush falls upon us, we never know what corners of our life and or dream will drift off to, I usually remember my dreams vividly; Sometimes they are totally waked out.My dreams often take place in an alternate reality in which I'm the only constant and every one else is unfamiliar but often I'm able to make into some meanings behind them. A while ago I experienced which might just prove to be THE MOST INTERESTING DREAM I'VE EVER HAD, I dreamed that I was in my car we where going to the home; in our way I saw a poor old lady†¦ well she was begging for money. I don't know why I jumped of the car, pulled her to the see and tried to drown her, but she survived.When I got off the sea, I saw cameras' all around me†¦ and an interviewer man coming toward s me, he was asking me â€Å"HOW DID YOU DO IT? â€Å", and I was like â€Å"DO WHAT? † the only thing I remember is that they where so proud of me! After a while, I saw the same poor, old lady that I've tried to drown coming towards me holding a knife, I thought to my self â€Å"I'M GONNA DIE† . As she came closer†¦ I just move one step backward until she reached me and was going to kill me! but then two bodyguards came and stopped her.First I didn't know why they stopped her but then I discovered that I was paid million of Dollars because I've tried to drown that lady! I was so happy when I knew that†¦ I was so excited ! but then I woke up and knew it was just a dream! it was the most interesting dream I've ever had because it's like doing something bad and getting a prize for it. This moment probably ensured a few seconds as it flashed through the neutrons of my brain, but the memory of it may last for a life time !

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Qualitative VS Quantitative Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Qualitative VS Quantitative Research - Essay Example When we think about research, things that come to our mind are e.g. facts & figures, science, observation, logic, evaluation, etc. etc. Adopting the scientific approach and adhering to a focused approach to come-up with certain findings do not contain values, passions, politics and ideology of the researcher. Using this kind of research methodology is called a â€Å"positivistic† approach and it is the most commonly used approach in general public. In short, the qualitative research refers to the existence of reality which is analyzed and understood with less rigorous methods and procedures while the quantitative research is aimed to reach to an objective (quantified) solution on the basis of cause & effect and examining theoretical relationship into a practical scenario. However, the emerging social changes and globalization are posing ineffectiveness of traditional deductive approach and forcing social researchers to opt for the inductive approach. Assessing qualitative research through a social constructionist lens, however, is premised upon the belief that research findings are always already partial and situated; that they actively construct the social world which is itself an interpretation and in need of interpretation. If we reject the very notion of an empirical world untouched by the social and the political, how are we to assess the research claims we make? If we concede that â€Å"truth† and â€Å"objective knowledge† cannot be invoked unproblematically, upon what grounds are we to say one research claim is better (i.e., valid) than another?. It is a kind of cold war between the old and new generation qualitative researchers. The latter reject the quantitative, positivist methods and assumptions. Having poststructural and/or postmodern sensibilities, they argue that positivist methods are nothing but all about telling stories about societies. Many new qualitative researchers are of the opinion that these methods do

Friday, September 27, 2019

This is for principles of Law and taxation Term Paper

This is for principles of Law and taxation - Term Paper Example The country has over time carried out fundamental reforms in its judicial system that gets geared towards promoting democracy in the country. The third part of the constitution of Azerbaijan got adopted in 1995. The national leader of Azerbaijan, Haydar Aliyev, led these judicial reforms. Among the Acts that got adopted was the constitutional court act, courts and judges’ act, public prosecution act, police act and operational investigational act (Kruger 231). All the above acts met the requirements of international law. Following these reforms, there was an establishment of a three-staged independent judiciary system. The first degree of the judiciary system comprised of the courts of appeal and the court of Cassation. Presently, city courts act as first degree jurisdictional courts. The military courts and the local economic courts act as territorial jurisdictional courts. The supreme court of Azerbaijan comprises of four chambers. The four chambers are the civil chamber, the criminal chamber, the military chamber and the administrative-economic chamber. The four chambers serve the different types of legal cases in the country depending on the nature of the case. The Supreme Court treats the decisions made by the courts of appeal in cassational order. In January 19, 2006, the president of Azerbaijan signed a decree which would ensure that the judicial reforms in the country bridge on to the next phase (Motyl & Amanda 57). The constitutional court of Azerbaijan provides the highest authority of the constitution. The judicial-legal counsel act came into place in 2005. The act outlined the measures to be taken to make the human rights provided in the constitutional effective. The counsel constituted of 15 persons 9 of which were judges. The others were representatives of the president and other statutory bodies such as the parliament. The training sector of judges got further established under the counsel (Motyl &

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Major global crimes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Major global crimes - Essay Example Society is a very important component of any criminal justice system. There are four or five major types of societal set ups as far as law is concerned. Fork communal society is that considered to be barbaric/ primitive. It is associated with people of low education levels and economic backgrounds. The society have few law personnel hence more law offenders goes unpunished while suspects goes untried. But repeated offences could be punished by harsh or unusual punishments. This type of society is common in Africa as well as Middle East countries. Urban commercial societies are characterized by few stipulated laws. The king or some religious leaders could be mandated to create their own laws to guide the community as a whole. The punishments to law breakers are indefinite but they are harsh enough to pass some warnings to the rest of the society members. Urban industrial society is another kind of society set up where law abiders are provided with some kinds of incentives. Police in t his kind of society are given the responsibility to protect people’s property from theft and any kind of vandalism. Lastly, bureaucratic societies are the current or modern society set ups in different parts of the world. They are characterized by comprehensive written laws as well as law professionals like lawyers, judges, police forces with different specializations in accordance with various crime types. An international law comprise of the generalization of several legal traditions as a unit. The international law is formed in such away that each state or tradition is fully represented. This is to eliminate any kind of biasness. Several legal traditions exist and they include; common law which is majorly associated with Britain and its former colonies, civil law is associated with some African and European countries. Socialist law on the hand comprise of modified versions of civil law. Such modifications are in accordance with Marxist-Leninist theories among other theorie s. This kind of law is majorly associated with Russia and its neighbors. Islamic law is drawn from religious point of view and is associated with all countries where Islamic exists. Policing is the initial stage of encounter between the law offender and the criminal justice system. The police are expected to do some investigations following some crime then make arrests. However, a special kind of police reinforcement called Law enforcement agency may be required should the criminal be regarded harmful to the society or the country in general. The police may be compelled to use some legal forces to ensure social as well as public orders are adhered to. Even though different countries and states has different police structures, common role of police is to maintain law and order, further more, they are meant to serve the society with total equality. Court is a judicial unit where criminal cases are heard before their verdicts are provided. The main aim of the courts is to render justic e to both the accused and the plaintiff. Several countries have different court systems. For instance, USA among other nations regards a defendant as either guilty or not guilty and not innocent as applied in other countries. USA uses the adversarial system where both the defendant and the plaintiff argue the case by giving their

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Communism in the USSR Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Communism in the USSR - Research Paper Example Communism is a way of a government that is totalitarian in nature, which rulers are dictators and have no respect for their subjects. In the USSR, communism started off in the 19th century due to the harsh conditions of life that were witnessed during that period, which made people agitate for a technique that would restore equality in the society. The concept of communism is founded on the ideology of Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx from their numerous scholarly ideas that were widespread at this time. These ideas were embraced by people in the Soviet Union society in a bid to regain equality in a society that was experiencing numerous hardships present during the tsarist rule. It was believed that communism was the solution to the problems society was experiencing and thus it would create a new society with social and political equality of every individual (Courteous and Kramer, 2004). Communism is centered on the principle that people need one another in order for the society to achieve meaningful progress both socially and economically. The idea is based on the belief that, a society where people work equally, is bound to achieve greater success as opposed to a society where people are grouped according to social classes. However, despite there being equality among people, the social distinction that results from some people having more wealth than others arises because individuals leverage from their talents. In a communist society, the government is not supposed to interfere with the rights of persons and its influence on the general economy of the state should be limited. Moreover, in communism societies, governments collectively own property and no person is supposed to start any enterprise because governments run business monopolies in all sectors of the economy. Therefore, the state provides basic amenities to its people including decent education and heal th care services.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Graduate Employability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Graduate Employability - Essay Example The Department of Trade also ranked Systems Software among the thirty fastest growing professions; Systems Software will grow by 30.4 percent by the year 2018 (Scott, 2012). Trading activities are going international with the increased rate of globalization. Nowadays, a trader does not have to travel to a foreign country in order to purchase merchandise or personal goods. Online orders and payments are sufficient to do financial transactions and transport goods to the buyer. Cross-border traders, therefore, require system developers and administrators to ensure that the transaction systems are updated. The next decade will be characterised three out of four new science and engineering jobs being in computing. For example, two hundred and ninety-five thousand and two hundred jobs (representing 27 percent of the new STEM jobs) will be in software engineering (Scott, 2012). STEM further projects that the number of jobs in Network Analysis and Administration will exceed the number of vac ancies in traditional engineering by two hundred and thirty-five thousand, and seven hundred (Smeding, 2012). Basic computer literacy such as Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Access and Excel will not enable a prospective employee to secure these jobs. This is because these professional occupations further knowledge and skills gained through the study of Computer Science, Software Engineering and Information Systems. 1.1.1 Computer Science Computer Science will expose the students and job seekers to practical approaches of computation and its applications. Computer Science enables learners of IT/Computing to study the feasibility, mechanization, expression and structure of computer algorithms. The computer algorithms underlie storage, communication, acquisition, representing, and accessing... The primary focus of this essay is to provide insights into the needs and perceptions of graduate employers in the Information Technology/Computing sector. This will be achieved by a close study of the jobs available, the requirements for employment, responsibilities of the employees and their remunerations. The report also covers the necessity of various skills and abilities required by employers, the level of graduate education required to fill the vacant positions, the challenges that companies face in recruiting graduates and views on how graduates can enhance their employability skills. The researcher mentions that the reader of the report will be able to identify the areas that are buoyant or depressed in IT and Computing; the information will be crucial to prospective employees and current students of Information Technology/Computing once they begin searching for jobs. The researcher of this report also focused on the employability skills of people aspiring to pursue courses i n Information Technology/Computing. The esssay considered the general course of computer engineering, and the skills that employers require to hire candidates for computing-related jobs. Information Technology is a broad field of study that encompasses Computer Science, Software Engineering and Information Systems. In conclusion, the researcher also included in this report the descriptions of the occupations, that fall under Computer Science and the salaries that professionals in IT/Computing sector earn.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Maria Montessori Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Maria Montessori - Essay Example I believe that children should be educated as per their capabilities and the lower classes should not be left out from the gift of education. Nowadays it is seen that money has become a source for education and many of the gifted individuals are sidelined only because they do not have enough money. Plato has given philosophies on education which clearly show that people should be emphasizing on the importance of education. An idealistic society always has a great educational background and thus education can be considered as the foremost factor of improvisation in this world. This essay would further revolve around the theories of Plato on education and its relation to my personal philosophy when it comes to education (Blackburn 2007; Mill 1867). Education is the key to success in this world as believed by many but it is still seen that many individuals are left behind when it comes to this success factor. Many of the developing countries are still lagging behind in their rate of lit eracy only because individuals in these developing countries do not have a proper curriculum for education. ... emselves the supreme leader of the subject without any competition in their field of subject and this can be considered as a loss to the pillars of education. Many teachers these days do not like being questioned about their subject as they think that they have all that is required in that subject. In other words these teachers consider themselves the ‘God’ of the subject. But this clearly can be said to be wrong as no one in this world has all the relevant knowledge about a particular subject. Plato in his theory of education stated that teachers should always be willing to learn in their lives and they should always be willing to share their knowledge for the greater good of the society. The teachers should not teach to earn but should rather make a primary goal of educating people. Educating individuals is a moral aspect of life which all the teachers should fulfil with respect to the morality in the society. I personally believe that the teachers should teach only to educate individuals so that these individuals can make a difference in the society. Secondly the teacher should be always willing to learn more from his students and thus cross questioning in lectures is an important way through which the teacher can learn even more (Blackburn 2007). Plato’s theory of education was widely based on the life stages in which he termed every life stage as a learning stage. It started from children of six years old to adults of 50 year and above. He believed that in every stage of life individuals are striving to learn more so that they can exist in the society. Similarly I believe that one should never give up learning but should rather dedicate his life to it so that he can learn from every aspect of life until he enters his grave. Plato believed that expertise and

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Maiden Voyage Essay Example for Free

Maiden Voyage Essay The given passage taken from Denton Welchs Maiden Voyage starts with a clear and concise statement that brings focus on mainly three details, the first being that the writer is a lively and independent foreigner or in other words, an extrovert, the second and third being that the time is morning and there are two more characters, Mr Butler and Mr Roote involved respectively. Mr Butler clearly warns the writer that foreigners are not welcome here and he should preferably stay out of the locals way. This tells us that the Chinese prefer being isolated and like mixing amongst themselves. This statement is quite ironic because Mr Butler himself seems as if he is of English origin. No outgoing traveller would like hearing this and naturally the writer doesnt like being confined between the four walls of the room when he could be doing several other outdoor activities. The writer also uses strong emotional language such as hated, fiercely and brooding to reinforce this. The symbolism of the moth eaten ball and the old tennis racket informs the reader that hardly anyone uses the sports equipment. The incredibly rebellious writer vents outs his anger by striking these old worn out balls fiercely against the stable doors. It is this lack of excitement that leads the stubborn writer to trouble. He decides to take matters to his own hands and foolishly escapes out in the country side. Whilst this escape from drudgery is happening, Mr Butler and Mr Roote are so deeply engrossed in their own conversation that they fail to realize that the writer is running away. To the reader, this clearly suggests that they are content not to look outside their own world and have not moved on from this mornings conversation whereas the writer on the other hand has. The writer uses mysterious and exotic language to describe the country. The still silence, the hot sand, the stunted bushes left the writer overwhelmed maybe because he was used to an entirely different landscape. The grass is tall, tall enough for a person to hide and was also described as rank maybe because it had a stench to it and also, the fact that it was as sharp as knives made it even more hard as well as dangerous to walk on. The soles of my shoes began to burn suggests that temperatures were high, high enough to leave the writer dehydrated and exhausted. The reader is left behind with an image similar to that of that of a dream, a hot dream.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Charles Dickens Essay Example for Free

Charles Dickens Essay Examine the presentation of the three spirits and Marleys ghost in A Christmas carol and show the differences and similarities in their appearance, attitude towards Scrooge and the effect upon him. Consider also the spectre in The Signalman In a Christmas carol by Charles Dickens, the four ghosts are all described differently. They all help to change scrooge into a nicer person. The ghosts all act disparately and look disparately. Scrooge has a different effect on each one of the ghosts, two of the ghosts he likes and one of the ghosts he dislikes. Scrooge is also treated dissimilar, some ghosts care for him, and others are forceful. The ghost of Marley appears first, he is described as In his pigtail, usual waistcoat, tights and boots; the tassels on the latter bristling, like his pigtail, and his coat-skirts, and the hair upon his head. Marley also had a chain around his middle, which was long and wound about him like a tail. The chain was made of cash boxes, keys, padlocks, ledgers, deed and heavy purses wrought in steel. Marleys body was transparent, so Scrooge could see the 2 buttons on his coat behind. He also had a handkerchief wrapped around his head and chin which held his jaw up. The ghost of Christmas past turns up next. He is described as a strange figure-like a child; yet not so like a child as like an old man, viewed through some supernatural medium. Which gave him the appearance of having receded from the view, and being diminished to a Childs proportions. The ghosts hair hung about its neck and down its back. His hair was white, as if with age; but his face wasnt old, and didnt have any wrinkles in it. He had long and muscular arms, like his hands. Its legs and feet were delicately formed. The ghost wore a white tunic, and round its waist was a lustrous belt. It held a branch of fresh green holly in its hand; and in singular contradiction of that wintry emblem, had its dress trimmed with summer flowers. The strangest thing about the ghost was that from the crown of its head sprang a clear jet of light, which by all was visible to see and was doubtless the occasion of its using, in its duller moments, a great extinguisher for a cap, which it now held under its arm. The next ghost was the ghost of Christmas present, he was clothed in one simple deep green robe, which was bordered with white fur. This garment hung so loosely on the figure, that its capacious breast was bare, as if disdaining to be warded or concealed by any artifice. His feet was also bare, and on its head it wore no other covering than a holly wreath with shining icicles. Its dark brown curls were long and free; free as its genial face, its sparkling eye. Its open hand, its cheery voice, its unconstrained demeanour, and its joyful air. Around the ghosts middle was an antique scabbard; but there wasnt a sword in it, and the ancient sheath was eaten up with rust. The last of the ghosts to meet Scrooge was the ghost of Christmas yet to come. You couldnt see any of its facial features because it was shrouded in a deep black garment, which concealed its face, its head and its form, and left nothing of it visible, save one outstretched hand. Because of this it would have been difficult to detach its figure from the night, and separate it from the darkness by which it was surrounded. The spectre in the signalman by Charles Dickens isnt described very well in the story, all we know is that the spectre is a man and he has a sleeve over his arm. His voice was hoarse with shouting halloa, below there! In the Christmas carol, Marley is a friendly ghost and he is very nice, he enjoys being in the company of Scrooge, Scrooge says you were always a good friend to me. He obviously cares about Scrooge because he wouldnt have gone there to warn him about the three ghosts and what would happen to him if he kept hating Christmas. Marley was the only true friend Scrooge has had. The ghost of Christmas past is nice, friendly and reasonable. The ghost cared for Scrooge, he once asked him whats the matter? Even though he is nice and friendly, he forces Scrooge into seeing things that he doesnt want to see. For example Scrooge says leave me, take me back, haunt me no longer. But the relentless ghost pinched him in both arms and forced him to observe what happened next. The ghost of Christmas present is a kind and jolly ghost. The ghost and Scrooge were cheerful when they visited homes. The spirit stood besides sickbeds, and they were cheerful and they were patient in their greater hope, by poverty and it was rich. The ghost makes Scrooge more relaxed around him, he isnt frightened, and he is calm in the ghosts presence. Like the ghost of Christmas past, this spirit is also forceful and makes him see what he doesnt want to see. The ghost of Christmas yet to come doesnt speak at all, this ghost is the one Scrooge is scared of most. Scrooge feared the silent shape so much that his legs trembled beneath him, and he found that he could hardly stand when he prepared to follow it. Scrooge is frightened of him the most because he doesnt know what his personality is like; with the other ghosts they were kind and caring. This ghost just points to places. But when Scrooge saw his grave then he got worried and cried hear me! I am not the man I was, I will not be the man I must have been but for this intercourse. Why show me this if I am past all hope? When Marley visits Scrooge, he is scared at first, because he doesnt know who it is, until the ghost got a bit closer, Scrooge was surprised to see his old friend, when Marley walked off to the window it beckoned Scrooge to approach, which he did.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Ecommerce And Its Applications Information Technology Essay

Ecommerce And Its Applications Information Technology Essay We are in the age of Knowledge and consequently in the midst of an electronic revolution. The impact of which on the economy is much more powerful than caused by industrial revolution. With the inception of the web, organizations and individuals are more and more making use of E-Commerce to create new business ventures. The www is not only a source of information, but an astounding business opportunity as well. Online business is thriving and more and more corporate companies are joining the fray of electronic transaction. The era of E-Commerce has established a significant synergy between the use of digital info and computerized business. Introduction The Internets impact on people has been profound; particularly with respect to consumers, who are starting to use the Internet as a new medium to trade and purchase goods and services. It is a general concept covering any form of business transaction or information exchange executed using information and communication technologies. Electronic commerce is the most recent step in the evolution of business transactions. It replaces the swapping of money for goods or bartering (the swapping of goods for goods) with the exchange of information from computer to computer. Electronic commerce, or e-commerce as it is otherwise known, is a very broad terminology. E-commerce enables organizations of all sizes and in all market sectors to improve their competitiveness. It cuts across geographical boundaries and time zones to save time and costs, to open up new market opportunities and enable even the smallest of companies to compete globally. E-commerce spans established processes such as bar code scanning and electronic data interchange (EDI), as well as newer arrivals, electronic mail, the Internet, the World Wide Web and mobile electronic commerce. E-commerce is attractive because it reduces the cost of doing business. Sending a few bytes of data over a network is cheaper, faster and more convenient than sending a messenger or even making a phone call. E-commerce covers any form of business or administrative transactions or information exchange that is executed using any information and communications technology (ICT). Classification of E-Commerce by application: Electronic Markets Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Internet Commerce Electronic Markets Present a range of offerings available in a market segment so that the purchaser can compare the prices of the offerings and make a purchase decision. Example: Airline Booking System. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) It provides a standardized system, Communicated from one computer to another without the need for printed orders and invoices delays errors in paper handling. Example: EDI is used in the large market chains for transactions with their suppliers Internet Commerce It is use to advertise make sales of wide range of goods services.This application is for both business to business business to consumer transactions. Example: The purchase of goods that are then delivered by post or the booking of tickets that can be picked up by the clients when they arrive at the event Types of E-commerce:  · business to business  · business to consumer  · consumer to business  · consumer to consumer Business to Business: The really big business on the Internet and the World Wide Web isnt books and CDs but ball bearings, electronic components and other materials that businesses buy, sell and distribute to and from each other. Although this type of business to business trading may be new and attracting plenty of media and public attention, business to business has been trading by electronic means for nearly twenty-five years. The most famous method of business to business trading has to be the electronic data interchange (EDI) established for exchanging business information between companies that regularly did business with each other. Business to Consumer: Businesses selling to the general public typically through catalogs utilizing shopping cart software. By dollar volume, B2B takes the prize, however B2C is really what the average Joe has in mind with regards to ecommerce as a whole. Having a hard time finding a book? Need to purchase a custom, high-end computer system? How about a first class, all-inclusive trip to a tropical island? With the advent ecommerce, all three things can be purchased literally in minutes without human interaction. Consumer to Business: A consumer posts his project with a set budget online and within hours companies review the consumers requirements and bid on the project. The consumer reviews the bids and selects the company that will complete the project. Elance empowers consumers around the world by providing the meeting ground and platform for such transactions. Consumer to Consumer: It facilitates the online transaction of goods or services between two people. Though there is no visible intermediary involved but the parties cannot carry out the transactions without the platform which is provided by the online market maker such as eBay. There are many sites offering free classifieds, auctions, and forums where individuals can buy and sell thanks to online payment systems like PayPal where people can send and receive money online with ease. eBays auction service is a great example of where person-to-person transactions take place every day since 1995. E-Commerce applications Multimedia Content for E-Commerce Applications Multimedia Storage Servers E-Commerce Applications i. Client-Server Architecture in Electronic Commerce ii. Internal Processes of Multimedia Servers iii. Video Servers E-Commerce Information Delivery/Transport E-Commerce Applications Consumer Access Devices SCAN002 Conclusion The Web plays an expanding role just as it does in a consumer e-commerce. Business to business activity is still, and we believe will remain, the main area of electronic commerce activity. This covers everything from established communications between retailers and their suppliers, the electronic banking payment systems through to the new Internet based catalogue systems. In the future, all of us will conduct an ever-increasing number of business transactions on-line. Companies who implement solutions to conduct business on-line will stay competitive and responsive in this evolving market place.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Huck and Jim in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay -- Mark Twain

A flat character is one that stays the same throughout a book or story, and a round character is one that changes throughout the book due to challenges they face and resolve. While Huck and Jim are two very important characters throughout the book, it could be argued that they are flat or round. Neither change very much, but each have small discoveries. Throughout the book, Huck is independent and easy going. He never wants to be kept down or tied to one place. Even though he is the main character, he does not change very much during the book. Even at the end, he refuses a home saying, â€Å"She’s going to adopt me and civilize me and I can’t stand it. I been there before.† (Twain, 338.) Huck could have had a home with Aunt Sally, but chose instead to do his own thing. This trait is evident throughout the novel. Although Huck has traits that are present in the entire book, he does make some changes. He gets closer to Jim and begins to see him as a combination of a parent figure and a friend. He no longer sees him as someone’s property. He actually says sorry to Jim after playing a p...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Hamlet - The Imbalance of the Idealistic Mind and Human Nature Essay

Hamlet - The Imbalance of the Idealistic Mind and Human Nature  Ã‚   It is often heard: Nobody is Perfect. This phrase is often used as a rationalization of foolish human mistakes that could have been prevented.   However, this statement has a much more profound significance. It contains an important lesson that guides or rather should guide people through life.   By admitting that nobody is perfect, the individual demonstrates a deeper understanding of the human nature and inner self. This knowledge is essential to the individual's creation of healthy relationships with one's surrounding.   For as Robert A. Johnson asserts in his book, He, "perfection or a good score is not required; but consciousness is"(76).   In William Shakespeare's play, Hamlet, the main character experiences enormous inner turmoil, for he fails to acknowledge the human tendency for imperfection, or more strongly emphasizing, the human proneness to err.   With his idealistic perception of the world crushed by his father's death and the incestuous remarriage of his glor ified mother, Hamlet unconsciously throws himself into a reality, in which he develops a deep resentment for humanity, and more specifically, for his mother, Queen Gertrude.   His frustrating disorientation and misunderstanding of his situation is not brought upon by the repressed sexual desires gaining control of Hamlet's mind, as Sigmund Freud would have it (119), however, it is, perhaps, the necessity, forcing him to abandon his security, that causes Hamlet to become paralyzed in his "meditation of inward thoughts"(Coleridge 95), thus, precluding his ability to act upon his deepest desire to avenge the wrongs.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When King Hamlet, Prince Hamlet's father, was still alive, the prince... ... now; if it be not now/ yet it [will] come - the readiness is all. Since no man, of/ aught he leaves, knows what is't to leave betime, let be"(5, II, 202-206), Hamlet demonstrates he's newly found understanding as well as contentment with his self, for he has come to terms with the non-idealistic world and reached "tao, the middle way"(Johnson 38).   Through accepting his new identity as it should be in the context of the whole universe, the prince stopped attempting to find everything its place, but rather he allows for the natural order to occur.   Accordingly, he is able reason and act in harmony with his mind, for he has reached the Grail Castle, the "inner reality, a vision, poetry, a mystical experience, and it can not be found in any outer place"(Johnson 56). Works Cited: Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. Ed. David Bevington. New York: Longman,1997.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Religion and/ Spirituality Essay

The findings of the study highlights the salience of religious beliefs and spirituality as an aspect that positively influenced or contributed towards the subjective sense of well-being of the institutionalized aged, from the point of view of their administrators. For many of the participants, religiosity and spirituality seemed to be identical and they did not differentiate one from the other. And they engaged assiduously in religious practices, which in turn contributed toward their subjective experience of well-being. This practice of religion or their spirituality has been found to be the most powerful coping strategy adopted by these institutionalized elderly under investigation. This finding showed consistency across all sources of data in this study. The elderly at Gladys Center found prayer or dependence on God by the willing surrender to His will as a powerful means of dealing with his or her difficulties in all levels, as expressed by their administrators. This finding is backed by Mackenzie et al.(2000): Religion and spirituality significantly influence both mental and physical health in later life and relationship with God forms the foundation of their psychological well-being. While intrinsic religious orientation is inversely related to depression, anxiety, fear of death in older adults and they better cope with illness, loss, and grief formal religious involvement is related to general measures of personal adjustment and subjective health and life satisfaction (Koenig, 1999 & Mackenzie et al. 2000). According to Magai et al.(2003) Religious beliefs and participation or engaging in religious activities are closely related to positive aging outcomes, particularly life satisfaction and the absence of mental disorders. Most of the elderly as it was observed across different sources of data, engaged in religious and devotional activities every day of the week. Studies examining the relationship between religious involvement and a wide variety of health conditions, that as individuals aged, both formal and informal religious participation were associated with better health, happiness, and life satisfaction. Even when health was controlled, the strong link between religiosity and subjective well-being remained, which is true in the case of the participants who showed a great sense of well-being despite their declining physical health. Study done by Magai et al. (2003) proved that absence of religiosity or spirituality is consistently a predictor of low hardiness and those who are religiously oriented are likely to be intrinsically hardy and less likely to be debilitated, despite variations in social network. This observation could be an indicator how the elderly cope with the absence of their dear ones and various other things. The findings of the study showed that as perceived by their administrators, the elderly experienced prayer as source of strength, hope, meaning and peace in their lives and different studies hold up this finding. Religious experience provides a sense of meaning and purpose in daily life (Polner, 1989), a primary source for inner peace, values and social harmony (Witmer & Sweeny, 1992), a greater sense of wholeness, connectedness, and positive outlook.

Monday, September 16, 2019

The Purpose of Performing Environmental Monitoring Programs

Describe the intent for executing environmental monitoring plans and the importance of good experimental design and quality confidence in these plans Introduction Monitoring is a common tool everyone uses in mundane life may it be to maintain path of conditions, stocks, traffic forms, or lodging costs. Decisions are so made based on the information we accumulate through this procedure. Monitoring keeps us informed, it helps us with determinations and qui vives us to any possible jobs that may originate in the hereafter or may hold occurred in the yesteryear. Environmental monitoring explains the processs and projects that need to take topographic point to supervise the quality of the environment. Although environmental monitoring plans over the old ages, have been criticized for â€Å"costing excessively much while presenting excessively little† , it operates as an indispensable scientific process/step by uncovering any kind of tendencies that may take to new cognition and/or better apprehension of the environment. Aimfor executing environmental monitoring plans The intent for executing environmental monitoring is to mensurate the positive/negative impacts of homo or natural impact on the environment. It can be used in the readying of Environmental Impact Statement ( EIA ) and in any environmental scene where human influences on the natural environment may or may non be apparent, or has the possibility of negative or positive alteration that may originate over clip. The intent for executing any kind of plans and policies would frequently be designed around the current province of the environment and will seek to determine tendencies in environmental parametric quantities centred on current or baseline informations sets. Examples of these supervising plans can be seen in the instance survey of the Investigation of shadowings H2O leak at the Ranger U mine and the Australia Pacific LNG- Receiving Environment Monitoring Program: Condamine River. The intent of the monitoring plan at the Ranger U mine was for the Supervising Scientist to find the sum to which the environment ( affecting people ) have been effected by the possible impacts of U excavation due to a leak which occurred in one of the shadowings H2O return pipe at the Ranger U mine during the 1999–2000 moisture season. The ERA predicted that approximately 2000 three-dimensional meters of procedure shadowing H2O had seeped from a pipe. However the flow rate of the pipe was non measured hence taking to uncertainness in the appraisal of the entire volume of the leak as some of the shadowings H2O may non hold entered the disused pipe section. The plan aims to find if the redress work were successful and whether the escape had impacted the Kakuda National Park, which is located downstream from the site. In the 2nd instance survey on the Australia Pacific LNG- Receiving Environment Monitoring Program: Condamine River, the intent of the monitoring plans was for research workers to place and depict the extent of any unfavorable environmental impacts on the local waterways of the already ill conditioned Condamine Catchment. Agricultural development and H2O resource development within the part have contributed to the hapless wellness in the part. Furthermore, the profusion and copiousness of macroinvertebrate communities in the part is lower compared with the expected natural status due to the hapless H2O quality. Therefore the plan aims to find if the increased discharge of treated coal seam gas ( CSG ) H2O to natural waterways as a portion of the Australia Pacific LNG Project will hold further negative effects on the part and to supervise any alterations in the receiving H2O among many other purposes. The importance of good experimental designs Experimental designs are frequently calculated but controlled nosiness of the natural order of events by research workers. Experimental designs refer to a â€Å"structured, planned method, which is used to happen the relationship between different factors ( X variables ) that affect a undertaking and the different results of a undertaking ( Y variables ) .† A method created by Sir Ronald A Fisher in the 1920s and 1930s. The importance of experimental design comes from the chase for illation sing grounds or relationships as opposed to merely depicting why an event occurred, as research workers are seldom content to merely explicate the events they observe. They want to do tax write-offs as to what created, contributed to, or triggered events. In order to obtain dependable information, some signifier of intricate experimental design is required. The intent of the design is to govern out option or irrelevant relationships, effects and causes, in order to deduce the existent and existent factor. Seen in the Ranger U mine instance survey where a leak occurred, the informations that instigated the probes were non everyday monitoring informations but research informations. The statutory monitoring informations, which were conveyed to the governments before the incident, did non supply any suggestion of the leak because there were no systematic monitoring plans designed to supervise the unity of the secondary containment system. Therefore a new monitoring plan was initiated to quantify the tonss and concentrations of pollutants that were go forthing the Ranger Project Area which were attributable to mining processs on the site. This allows the appraisal of H2O quality informations with suited benchmarks and besides permits the designation of tendencies in H2O quality. This will let direction to take appropriate actions in a timely mode. In the instance of Australia Pacific LNG, good experimental design is of import in this survey because the watercourse H2O was non merely for imbibing intents, the H2O quality is besides a major factor in the control of fish motion and H2O irrigation for agribusiness intents in the part. Irrespective of whether the CSG discharge was being released into the river or non, the quality of the H2O in the river at the different receiving environment and background sites were monitored throughout the monitoring plan. The consequences were so reviewed to find the most appropriate location for the extra CSG discharge, as the Department of Environment and Resource Management ( DERM ) had non yet identified the location of the discharge. Interim and one-year interpretative studies depicting the consequences was completed after each monitoring event, which allows the analysis of spacial and temporal tendencies. This provided recommendations sing the definition of the receiving environment, super vising plan design and direction of discharges if required. The consequences of any monitoring instances will ever be evaluated and scrutinized, as research workers ever want to sort ideal conditions in which certain factors would hold the most influence on the consequences and every bit good as those that do non. This is to observe interfaces and interactions amongst the factors. Effective environmental monitoring plan, frequently adhere to some basic yet of import constructs. Some illustrations include puting good aims, holding a grade of preciseness, reproduction and generalization ; controls, ‘Blind’ Designs and ideally the experimental method should be both accurate ( i.e. , give the true mean ) and precise ( i.e. , have a low criterion divergence ) , although sometimes one is more of import than the other for their plans. The choice of any experimental design depends on your aim as seen in the above illustrations. The pattern of invariably updating the hypothesis and comparing the inferred provinces of nature with existent informations may take on to the right replies because good experimental design allows the ‘quantification of uncertainty.’ Quality Assurance ( QA ) In monitoring plans, quality assurance/quality control steps are of import constituents of the plans because these activities demonstrate the truth and preciseness ( how near to the existent consequence you are vs. how consistent your consequences are ) of the monitoring plans. Quality Assurance ( QA ) by and large refers to the procedure to guarantee that dependable consequences are obtained and recorded. It starts prior to try aggregation ( method proof and certification ) , is indispensable for forensic intents & A ; legal conformity and is highly utile for long-run informations analysis. QA should depict how researches would get down their monitoring attempt from accurate recording of all processs, preparation of voluntaries, survey design, informations organisation and analysis to specific quality control measures. Quality Control ( QC ) entails all the stairss researches will take to standardise the legitimacy of specific sampling and analytical processs. QA plans should affect internal cheques for quality control and appraisal. Spaces are typically used as they are intended to bring out taints that may lend to inaccuracy and the biasness of consequences. For illustration, filtration spaces cheques for possible cross-contamination through deficient field filtration techniques while travel spaces detect any prevailing pollution ensuing from the container during conveyance and storage. Other spaces include equipment space which consequences include entire field and laboratory beginnings of taint and instrument spaces consequences, which show merely laboratory beginnings of taint. The analysis of Standard Reference Material ( SRM ) is besides an of import as it measures the methods truth, as SRM are prepared from reagents of highest pureness, or samples that have been spiked with analyte. It is an confidence that the consequences attained in the monitoring plan are comparable with consequences from other research labs. At the Ranger U mine, to attest that the consequences of the uninterrupted monitoring informations are valid, extended sets of quality control ( QC ) substructure are in topographic point i.e. equipment and construction direction, care and standardization enfranchisement, along with in-built dorsum up systems to vouch that the sets of QC substructures remain functional at all times. Two multiprobe and an car sampling station were installed at each site and were attached to informations lumbermans that collect the measured informations and controlled the operation of the instruments through a elaborate and comprehensive logging plan. This logging plan ensures the immediate polish of any issue in the instrument or detector through trying triggers every bit good as a figure of dismaies. In the Australia Pacific LNG instance survey, H2O quality monitoring of samples were done at deepnesss of about 30cm from the surface at each site. Field sampling was done by a suitably trained and experient individual in conformity with Australian StandardWater Quality Sampling, and in conformity with theMonitoring and Sampling Guidelines 2009.Which in sum-up:Samples were collected directly into the sample bottle wherever possible, and the bottles were non rinsed prior to try collectionaˆ?Powderless baseball mitts were used when roll uping all H2O samples, and attention will was taken non to touch the interior of any trying containers, or to put unfastened bottles / jars or their palpebras onto the land or other contaminated surfacesA field space was collected from one site during each trying event, to measure sample handling processsSamples were placed in an esky and maintain under the appropriate retention conditions for each parametric quantity until it was delivered to the r esearch lab within the appropriate retention clip ( as advised by the analytical research lab ) in conformity with the security and conveyance protocols outlined in theMonitoring and Sampling Manual( DERM 2009a )A concatenation of detention signifier was completed for all samples sent to the research lab for analysis, andaˆ?A NATA-accredited research lab analyzed samples, and research lab extras and spaces were analyzed in conformity with NATA-accredited protocols.The consequences from the QA were crosschecked with a 2nd lab and an mistake rate of & lt ; 10 % will be considered acceptable ( in conformity with the National River Health Program protocols, DERM 2009a ) . If consequences were deemed unacceptable & gt ; 10 % , it will ensue in a farther 10 % of samples being checked by a 2nd lab, and so on. ConcluZion The intent for executing environmental monitoring plans is frequently to set up tendencies in environmental parametric quantities based on current or baseline informations sets. The chief end for executing environmental monitoring is to supervising informations from legion spacial and temporal graduated tables ; interpret informations into ratings of current ecological status and forecasts the hereafter hazards and benefits to our natural resources. Although H2O quality records can be extremely variable in footings of temporal and spacial frequence of sampling, good experimental design and good quality confidence plans can guarantee a monitoring plan is successful and the consequences dependable. However, supervising plans can non be run indefinitely. At some point researches would necessitate to inquire if the monitoring plan is still relevant and have we learnt all we needed. Mention

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Beethoven Informative Speech Essay

You can realize that he probably wasn’t the easiest of people to be with. Impressive, certainly; exciting, perhaps; but rarely cosy and good-natured. This might be the common impression about this talented composer. Ladies and gentlemen, in my today’s speech I’m going to inform you about Beethoven’s individualism with two parts. 1. How individualism spirit helps him to success 2. A controversial individualist /we can say his arrogant. Beethoven is usually seen as an individualistic hero in the classical music world. There are many stories of how he did not take crap from the nobility. He removed Napoleon from his dedication of his third symphony after Napoleon declared himself to be royalty. He heard thunder on his death bed, raised up and shook a fist at it before expiring saying that I will take fate by the throat. And so on. Here, Individualist I mean is not in general context with any derogatory sense, but Beethoven devoted himself to fighting for individual’s fate and freedom, personal dignity and equality. As Beethoven said Music is the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life. His individualism spirit also presented in his artworks, which have five specific features: passion, power, pride, freedom and independence, and makes him become one of the greatest composer in the world. Stravinsky once said his individualism like this : â€Å"Beethoven is the friend and contemporary of the French Revolution, and he remained faithful to it even when, during the Jacobin dictatorship, [hju,m? n? ‘t? r n] humanitarians with weak nerves of the Schiller type turned from it, preferring to destroy tyrants on the dramatic stage with the help of cardboard swords. Beethoven, that ordinary genius, who proudly turned his back on emperors, princes and magnates – that is the Beethoven we love for his indubitable optimism, his virile sadness, for the inspired sympathy of his struggle, and for his iron will which enabled him to seize destiny by the throat. † Romain Rolland evaluated him as: Perhaps he was unfortunate, poverty, disability, loneliness and pain continue to hover over his fate, but he still could see the dawn – the world did not give him happiness, he is a source of pleasure and power! He is the brave souls of all the world wrote the best motto – happy with the pain in return. So much for this point, I would now like to shift to the controversial of Beethoven’s individualism. Actually, as an individualist, Beethoven sometimes magnified his personality to a level of disgust. The highly praise in Romain Rolland’s masterpiece cover up some of Beethoven’s piu? disrepute behaviors, which mislead us away from a fully recognize of him. After reading some biographies and periodicals, I find he has really bad temper and absolutely not a perfect person. In order to show off his own talents, he described his variations on Mozart’s work as â€Å"I should never have written down this kind of piece had I not already noticed fairly often how some people in Vienna after hearing me improvise one evening would next day note down several characteristics of my style and palm them off with pride as their own. . . But there was another reason, too: my desire to embarrass those Viennese pianists, some of whom are my sworn enemies. I wanted to revenge myself on them in this way because I knew beforehand that my variations would here and there be put before the said gentlemen and that they would cut a sorry figure with them. † There are still many examples, but I think this one is enough to proof Beethoven’s arrogant. And Beethoven’s personality problem is also why Tchaikovsky admired him but did not love him†¦. that love was reserved for Mozart†¦. respect to these two genius’s personality, he thought of Beethoven as the Jehovah of music while he thought of Mozart as the more approachable Jesus So, to sum up, I have to say I won’t bias Beethoven’s achievements for his personality problem, that’s not an objective attitude. What I mean is that, it is necessary to have a fully recognition on Beethoven, so that we can really understand his music. Even though his over-individualistic personality makes him an arrogant and unpleasant genius, his spirit and art works are still highly admired generation by generation. That’s all. I hope I have made myself understood. Thank you for your attention.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

“Letter from Birmingham Jail” by Martin Luther King Jr. Essay

What stylistic elements does King use to influence his readers? After reading and analyzing â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail,† write an essay in which you answer the question and analyze structure and language in his text, providing 3 or more examples to illustrate and clarify your analysis. What conclusion can you draw about the power of this text? 1. Copy and paste the introduction of your essay here. Check your grading feedback from Lesson 8 to see if your instructor suggested any revisions to your introduction. Please make your revisions and type your revised introduction in the space below. INTRODUCTION: Everyone knows Martin Luther King Jr. wrote the Letter from Birmingham Jail but not everyone knows he wrote it because he was tired of being told to be patient and to wait. He wanted those eight white Alabama men that called him an extremist and whom believed the civil rights campaign would cause violence, to know that he was fed up waiting. King would take a stand and fight alongside his brothers and sisters for their rights. Martin Luther King uses strategic support and imagery to influence his readers and help us understand that all the hardships and judgment the blacks faced matter since he’s trying to make us understand the pain and tiredness of segregation and of waiting for nothing to happen. Write 2. Using what you have learned about evidence, explanation, quotations, and paraphrase, write your body paragraphs in the space below. You will need to include at least one of each of the following: a direct quotation introduced with a complete sentence and a colon a direct quotation introduced with a signaling phrase and a comma a direct quotation that is introduced and explained in one sentence a paraphrased example  an embedded quotation IMPORTANT ALERT: Use your outline from the previous lesson (Lesson 9 Organize Your Ideas) to form your body paragraphs. BODY (Minimum of 2 paragraphs – one about the structure of the letter and one about the language of the letter): King uses quotes from other famous people to offer comprehension of the respect those people were given and explaining how those men were  also extremists; â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal . . .† said by Thomas Jefferson. King uses allusion to talk about how Jefferson mentioned something in his past life of being equal and that our society cannot be divided in half. It goes back to segregation by explaining the people of the world shouldn’t be divided by the color of their skin since according to Jefferson all men were created equal. By stating Jefferson, he makes a point of everybody, including blacks, having the right to share bathrooms, restaurants, and schools. Not one person should suffer the consequences of being different. Abraham Lincoln said that â€Å"This nation cannot survive half slave and half free.† King also used an allusion of Lincoln’s to point out that the nation would not be able to survive being divided by the color of one’s skin. If the government were going to divide the town’s people, to divide them by the content of their actions, than by their skin color. It would be for example, dividing a forest by its predators, and prey. By placing a fence in between the two sections, neither side would survive. King wants us to understand that being divided is toxic to our nation and we need to mix to be able to feel right in the world, like you belong. As mentioned, king uses imagery to help us visualize better what he desires for us to understand like when he says â€Å"†¦when you suddenly find your tongue twisted and your speech stammering as you seek to explain to your six-year-old daughter why she can’t go to the public amusement park that has just been advertised on television, and see tears welling up in her little eyes when she is told that Funtown is closed to colored children and see the depressing clouds of inferiority begin to form in her little mental sky, and see her begin to distort her little personality by unconsciously developing a bitterness toward white people †¦Ã¢â‚¬  he uses this to help the readers comprehend why they are fed up of being told to wait, and to stand aside patiently. He mentions how he can see the clouds of inferiority form in her little mind, understanding that they think of the blacks as less of humans. King also describes seeing her unknowingly develop a hatred towards the whites and not knowing that changes her personality. When this happens to his daughter, he wants us to understand that there comes a time when men are exhausted of being in a pool of injustice and having to be told they can’t  do anything about the situation. â€Å"Like a boil that can never be cured†, King states in the end of paragraph 24 of his letter. When he says this, he is giving us an image of a disgusting boil, while comparing injustice and racism to it. King is using a simile to make us believe that just like a person or animal is sick, the people back then were sick and the symptoms were injustice and racism. Just like we tend to those unwell, we have to tend to them. King compares the two and simplifies his thoughts when said that they need to be acknowledged and treated. He is hinting that he wishes of injustice and racism to be treated and vanish, but that it won’t happen if not everybody pitches in. Locate (copy and paste) 3. Within the body paragraphs of your essay, locate and copy and paste the following components. Be sure to include the entire sentence. a. a direct quotation that is introduced with a complete sentence and a colon: King uses quotes from other famous people to offer comprehension of the respect those people were given and explaining how those men were also extremists; â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal . . .† b. a direct quotation that is introduced with a signaling phrase and a comma: Abraham Lincoln said that â€Å"This nation cannot survive half slave and half free.† c. a direct quotation that is introduced and explained in one sentence: As mentioned, King uses imagery to help us visualize better what he desires for us to understand like when he says â€Å"†¦when you suddenly find your tongue twisted and your speech stammering as you seek to explain to your six-year-old daughter why she can’t go to the public amusement park that has just been advertised on television, and see tears welling up in her little eyes when she is told that Funtown is closed to colored children and see the depressing clouds of inferiority begin to form in her little mental sky, and see her begin to distort her little personality by unconsciously developing a bitterness toward white people †¦Ã¢â‚¬  he uses this to help the readers comprehend why they are fed up of being told to wait, and to stand aside patiently. d. a paraphrased example: King also describes seeing her unknowingly develop a hatred towards the whites and not knowing that changes her personality. e. an embedded  quotation:   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Like a boil that can never be cured†, King states in the end of paragraph 24 of his letter.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Big Brother

â€Å"Oh you’re Johnny’s little brother? You must be sick bro.† Not quite. He played like he was born with a stick in his hand. And he went through school like he already knew the answers. Having dyslexia, school has never been easy for me. But for him, he aced tests with no problem, could read a book in just a few days, and solved math problems like his brain was a calculator. â€Å"Oh you’re Johnny’s little brother? You must be so smart.† Not quite. Every teacher I had after him had huge expectations for me that i wasn’t able to meet. As I got older, I fell further and further behind my big brother in all of these places, and it was making me miserable. Then everything changed. Four years ago on Christmas morning I opened up that beautiful ukulele and start playing immediately. Of course, I wasn’t as good as my big brother was, but I was drawn to it like Winnie the Pooh and the last jar of honey. Months later, as my brother gained interest in other things, my passion took over. I realized that just because my big brother didn’t do something, doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t either. From that point on, I was obsessed with my own hobbies. I started yo-yoing, playing guitar, and tie-dying everything I could find. This realization also helped me with school, sports, and being happy in general. Instead of trying to get grades as good as my big brother, I worked the hardest I could, for me. And in lacrosse, I started having fun again. Instead of always comparing myself after a game, I would just enjoy my time playing with my friends. Now people say, â€Å"Oh you’re Johnny’s little brother? I’ve heard so much about you! What he taught me changed my life. My big brother didn’t inspire me to be the best, he inspired me to be different. To be my own person. To be me.

Global economics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Global economics - Research Paper Example Company obtains specialized services at low cost, which gives a competitive edge, and sufficient time to focus on the core business. If the money supply is greater than money demand, interest rate will decline and cause the increase in borrowing and spending by corporate and consumers. In this case demand will rise above the GDP rate and cause inflation. Increase in exports and decline in imports will result in boosting the value of GDP. Low value of currency together with lower interest rates will enhance consumer spending and thus lead to economic growth (Jacob, 2013). The depreciation of yen relative to the US currency has led to make the goods more affordable for US. With the low value of yen, Japan has produced goods and services at cost effective prices. Low prices have grasped the attention of most of the buyers in US, which results in increased production, in Japan. As a result, Japan has increased its exports and thus employment opportunities in the country. For instance, a low valued yen drives to decline the prices for Nissan car, hence attracting more American buyers than GM cars. Consequently, more Nissan cars are being produced, thus increasing the employment level in Japan and lowering employment in US (Ito, 1996). Valuation of the currency leads to lower the prices of import goods resulting in boosting the imports of the country. However, the products manufactured in US will become costly for foreign buyers, hence the exports will decrease. This trade deficit will cause to decrease the net exports of the country and contract the GDP (McConnell et al., 2010). The strong valuation of the currency will result in increasing the interest rates, and hence domestic as well as international investors will be more willing to investment in businesses. Businesses in the country will tend to grow more, leading to additional production activities and; therefore, increase income levels. Due

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Provide answer to 5 different assignments of Employability and Essay

Provide answer to 5 different assignments of Employability and Consulting Skills subjects - Essay Example According to Mankin (2009 p. 21) a good event manager should have the required human skills to develop and execute an event. The roles extend beyond personal attributes to professional qualifications that an individual poses. Event managers are responsible for all events that corporates engage in and thus are supposed to be competitive in boosting the image and profile of the company. I consider this position due to my undoubted professional and personal skills. Throughout my life I have displayed leadership skills that have earned me confidence in leading the right direction. Consequently, I am a person who puts every idea into a thorough process of reasoning to obtain workable solutions. Reasoning in decision making is not a choice but a core ingredient. Managing events require adequate Interpersonal skills since it involves people different personalities and calibers. As such, good interpersonal skills can act to create a good environment. My ability to communicate with different groups of people may justify my reasons for applying for the position of events manager. In agreement with Slater (2010 p. 43), the success of an event cannot be guaranteed if the manager does not poses team management skills. Usually, the team planning or attending an event is so large and may overwhelm the staff and the manager. This may raise confusion and subsequent failure of the event. However, with good team management skills, the manager can allocate roles effectively. With this in mind, I find my role very important in this position. Lastly, I find myself suitable for this role since it requires excellent communication skills. I will apply my skills in influencing success of events. Since all corporate events have objectives, communication skills may assist in attaining them. Marketing is challenging job that requires adequate preparation and experience. In my case, I have undergone a rigorous training at the Kasetsart University

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Global Warming Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Global Warming - Research Paper Example In a general manner, global warming can be defined as a rise in the temperature all around the globe. But global warming is not limited to only the rise in temperature but it is also associated with bringing about other environmental changes. These changes have a very major effect on the atmosphere of the world. Global warming is hence a very important issue that is increasing and affecting the global environment. It results due to many reasons and harmful human activities serve as the major cause of global warming. Global warming poses a great risk for life on this planet and hence this issue needs to be dealt with in the best possible manner (Houghton 2004). With the passage of time, it has been realized that global warming is an international problem and it has led to many demographic as well as temperature changes in the world. The National Climatic Data carried out a study which presented with very alarming as well as essential findings with regard to global warming. The study p resented the fact that the temperature which was recorded in the year 2004 in the United States of America was the 4th warmest temperature on its record since the year 1880 (NCDC 2004). Causes The study of the climate of the Earth along with the global climatic changes and patterns have served to be of great assistance in analyzing the reasons which have led to the problem of global warming. Many causes have been linked to this global issue with human activities being counted as the major reason but it is also believed by a group of researchers that global warming is not associated with human activities but it is rather a natural phenomenon. Carbon emissions can be specified as the major cause of global warming. The factories which are using the fossil fuels during their manufacturing processes are giving out a great amount of carbon and this leads to a great change in the temperature of this world. The trees planted in the world are considered to be of immense importance in stoppin g the problem of global warming to expand. A tree intakes carbon dioxide during its respiratory process and this helps it to reduce carbon dioxide from the environment. However after a tree dies or the wood in it decomposes, carbon dioxide is given off in the environment. This has been seen as a major cause of the alarming high rates of carbon dioxide in the air these days. In the present years many forests have been burnt by the people or have been burnt naturally due to some accident. These factors have caused the trees to die and release carbon dioxide in the air. In the recent years fires have erupted in the major forests of this world. The fires which erupted in Amazon during the years of 2000 and 2005 can be viewed as a major setback for the environment of this world. It destroyed an area of 132000 square kilometers of the Amazon forest. This area is estimated to be the size of the whole country of Greece. These fires resulted in the release of a huge amount of CO2 into the at mosphere. And it is estimated that the amount of CO2 released during these fires is in billions (Chemical & Engineering News, 2005). Deforestation, climate changes and forest fires have been the major causes of the release of CO2 in the

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Poverty has been a big economic problem in the world Term Paper

Poverty has been a big economic problem in the world - Term Paper Example Taking for instance, lack of income is brought out as poverty, but it is unreliable to measure. It may also be related to consumption. Poverty is mostly what is seen to be and what has been measured. The comparisons of these provide a scope that has an endless debate. Another angle can be taken as material lack or want. In this, it tries to refer to little wealth or lack of some of assets like shelter, clothing, TV’s and radios. The other definition refers to the deprivation in capability, so much focusing in what one can and what one cannot do or cannot be. This goes beyond the lack of want to further include the physical capabilities or even the self respect from the society. [Squire, L, 1993] In this era, where there is a global meltdown, the evil, which is breeding in most of nations, has increased poverty levels among people. The world is now faced with a condition where the rich are getting richer while the poor are continuously getting poorer. The global cause of povert y is less talked about and, therefore, very little has been done as a direct strategy in alleviating this poverty directly. There are interconnections, which are assured by the globalizations as well as the rules. Also, practices and the judgments that apply internationally count in these interconnections. These are mostly from the leaders of the affluent countries or the major global actors like the international organizations, corporations and the powerful people. With such manipulation from the global leaders, the governments of those who are underprivileged and the people who are in them are so much helpless in alleviating the poverty that affects them. It is in this that one sees many of the people struggling for survival while the few continue enjoying the riches at the expense of many. The statistics on poverty show that even in nations like the US, which are developed, 15 to 25 percent constitutes of poor people. They are not able to provide for basic needs like food, shelte r and these have high populations. Where there are many adults and children as well. Most of the population lives below a dollar a day. 2. Discuss the major impact to society of the problem The society has been affected by poverty in a very great way. Poverty as seen has deeper roots that if not uprooted properly, will lead to a cycle of poverty better known as the vicious poverty cycle. It is a process of activities that are in a cause and effect state. The sociological readings have revealed that poverty is transferred from one generation to another, from family values, from these routines and standards of living, which leave little room for development and which are beyond anyone’s day to day operations. The situation of a family inclined towards a moment to moment viewpoint. The main concern, which is to provide for food and shelter, has been the major concern. Being able to provide a better habitat for the children to live in, being self sufficient and having futuristic plans are very vital. The effect as of poverty has been seen to have the same effects as the consequences of not gratifying the needs of the individuals. It has been noted that the poor are mostly emaciated and unwell. They mostly live in under standard conditions. Poverty leads to drug abuse and addictions that affect the health of the people involved. The poor are not able to afford the drugs that are needed to cure the diseases that are affecting them. [IMF, 2001] They end up using those that have been left out.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Fair use or infringement Copyright in art Dissertation

Fair use or infringement Copyright in art - Dissertation Example In the last few decades, post WWII (postmodern era), many contemporary works of art (concerning artists and their innovative works of art) have come under debate, as regards infringement or violating copyright laws. Post-modern art era has been highly influenced by global consumerism, resulting in many instances of copying and plagiarism in the field of art. Despite, appropriation being acknowledged widely as an integral part of art, where elements or ideas are borrowed for creating new artwork, critics’ claim that copy artists while appropriating, often violate copyright laws and challenge ethical norms, while stretching the boundaries of plagiarism. However, under current scenario in the US, application of law in appropriation cases remains ambiguous, while the fact that many cases are settled out of court also tend to set a negative precedence.  In this paper the researcher, discusses the fine line that exists between fair use and copyright infringement as regards copyrig ht law and appropriation art, while deriving how courts/judges should go about deciding in appropriation between fair use and copyright infringement.  The primary aim of the paper is to find a clearer legal stand for modern artists, delineate their creativity limits in terms of law, and find whether the law should be modified or it should just be made clearer and more precise. 1 Chapter 1 1.1 Background study The recent Cariou v Prince case has brought into limelight the issue of ‘Fair Use,’ a contentious topic within the US copyright laws, which until recently was overlooked by mass media. The ruling in this case, as awarded by the U.S. district court judge  Deborah Batts,  was a first of its kind, where the judge declared Prince guilty of violating copyright laws and infringing on Cariou’s copyrights, by using Cariou’s photographs for creating â€Å"Canal Zone† collages. The ruling further clarified that Prince failed to meet the four standa rds used in ‘Fair Use’ principle, and the paintings (worth millions) stand the chance of being destroyed under court orders (final decision still pending). Here the harsh decision has inevitably raised the question as whether a judge is suitable for making decisions related to art and culture. Some art critics have also expressed worry that in the final court ruling if Richard Prince again stands to lose, the art of appropriation would face a devastating effect where many artists are likely to leave their projects, which is something akin to curbing right to freedom of creative expression. Therefore, there is a general feeling that freedom of artists maybe in curbed in the near future through legal intervention in the form of copyright laws. The  US copyright law, a component of the US Federal laws, accords legal protection to the rights of artists and their creative works under the US laws. The copyright law is provided in the US constitution under Article I (s. 8 - Clause 8), referred to as  the ‘Copyright Clause,’ where it is clearly stated: â€Å"The Congress shall have Power†¦To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.†

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Sunset Grill at Blue Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Sunset Grill at Blue - Case Study Example Melhuish recognized that during the first year of operations and even when his franchise managed to break even, he was struggling and leaving money on the table. With new ideas, ready to implement before the summer will help reduce queues and get the operations fully on track. Data collection shows that the most burdensome queues are during the weekends. To alleviate this, Melhuish is planning on hiring a part timer food runner. The food runner will deliver the food from the kitchen directly to the table, saving the servers time and energy. This addition to the staff, even on a part time basis, would increase daily table turn over by five to ten percent. Melhuish is considering on adding a menu boards around the restaurant. One would be above the open concept kitchen and the other would be electronic near the front entrance. Both boards would be strategically placed so that those waiting would have the option of looking over the menus prior to sitting down. By the time the customers were seated, they would know what they wanted to order. This would reduce the amount of ordering time by up to 10 minutes. Melhuish believes the electronic menu boards could also be useful in promoting a few high-margin items. In response to customer complaints, Melhuish brainstormed the idea of allowing substitutions to certain menu items. Currently, the policy of no substitutions is strictly enforced. Data shows that allowing substitutions on certain menu items or during shoulder seasons would increase the preparation time from 5 minutes average to 6 minutes average. This small amount of time, is not a very big change in comparison to the advantages of allowing certain substitutions and satisfying customers requests / complaints. Another way to help reduce wait times is to add additional seating to the restaurant. Melhuish is considering increasing capacity by converting the

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Import and Export Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Import and Export - Coursework Example (Maxwell, 2014) In China, under the Hygienic Standard for Cosmetics (2007 edition), cosmetics cover all kinds of industrial chemicals for daily use which are spread on the outer surface of the human body (e.g. skin, hairs, nails, lips etc) for the purposes of cleaning, deodorizing, skin care, beauty and make-up. The approval of imported cosmetic products is usually going through at the national level in Beijing, while the registration of domestic products is performed at the regional level. (Và ©rot, 2013) For a brand, the whole registration process would require one year in average for new products with a new formula, in particular due to the toxicology tests that must be performed in China. Such a delay may lead to tricky situations, in particular for products that must be marketed quickly, especially on some special occasions such as Chinese New Year or the upcoming Singles Day on the next November 11th. (Và ©rot, 2013) The EU is committed to open trading relations with China. However, the EU wants to ensure that China  trades fairly, respects intellectual property rights and meets its WTO obligations. China Company looks for materials that are in the middle range, based on the marketing analysis and the price range that our prospective customers can pay. At the 16th EU-China Summit held on 21 November 2013 both sides announced the launch of negotiations of a comprehensive EU-China investment agreement. The Agreement provides for progressive liberalization of investment and the elimination of restrictions for investors to each others market. (Anonymous, 2013) All cosmetics imported into China are required to obtain pre-market approval or notification from the Chinese State Food and Drug Administration (SFDA). The approval is referred to as either the Administrative Approval or Administrative Notification. (Matthew, 2012) III. Hygiene license or record-keeping certificate; for cosmetics

Friday, September 6, 2019

Before The Great Depression Essay Example for Free

Before The Great Depression Essay After the First World War, the United States entered into a period of relative prosperity. Actual GDP of the country exceeded potential GDP by about 15%. Almost all industries experienced high growth rates, as demand for every major product almost doubled in a span of 10 years. Financial institutions too enjoyed some measure of growth during this period. The available credit both to businesses and private individuals rose by 40% in a span of 6 years. Real wages increased by about 5% in two years. Agricultural products were exported to many countries at a relatively high price (especially in Europe). In general, the economy of the United States was all but in a state of growth. Much of the prosperity gained from this time period was due to the policies of the Republican government, specifically to the secretary of commerce, Herbert Hoover. With his direction, some of the implemented policies were as follows: 1) Creation of powerful ties between the government and businesses. It was the intention of the Republican administration to improve its relationship with businesses as a means of maintaining economic stability; 2) Formalizing trade relationships with other countries such as the USSR. With the guidance of Hoover, formalization of trade relationship would eliminate wastage in export production and increase efficiency in the import sector of the US economy; 3) Subsidization of infant industries. Some of the infant industries in the country were heavily subsidized for almost 10 years. Afterwhich, these industries were expected to adapt to competition in the foreign market; 4) And, increased funding for social welfare. During the administrations of Harding and Hoover, funding for social welfare and health infrastructure were increased. This measure though was a means to increase Republican support in the 1928 elections (in which the Democrats won). The First World War had a lasting impact on the foreign policy of the United States. When the British prime minister and the French premier asked President Wilson to allow the United States as a major member of the League of Nations, the latter reluctantly agreed. In truth, many of the Americans at that time were not very eager to intervene in the affairs of other nations, as it might involve the United States into another major war. Here was the birth of isolationism. From the Wilson administration to that of Roosevelt before the Japanese attack of Pearl Harbor, the country remained indifferent with the affairs of Europe. The idea of isolationism was simple. If a country were to avoid a major war, then it must not intervene in the state of affairs of other countries (except when it was attacked). This was not the whole story. Many Americans felt that it was more rational to direct the energies of the country towards economic development rather than impinge on the sovereignty of other countries. The prosperity which the United States enjoyed for almost a decade was temporary. Early in 1927, there were signs that the economy was on its dead end. Production increased at a decreasing rate. Financial institutions invested much of their capital to risky assets. Industries which were heavily subsidized showed no improvements. Unemployment rate increased by about 5%. The United States began to experience the difficulties of having a trade deficit. Foreign borrowers of the United States failed to pay their loans. There was also a significant decline in consumption and a significant increase in savings. All these factors led to the Crash of 1929 which allowed Roosevelt to be elected as president of the country. Here, the period of the Great Depression began. Reference Morison, Samuel Eliot. 1964. The Oxford History of the American People. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

The Role of Religion in the Middle East

The Role of Religion in the Middle East The Role of Religion in the Middle East Religion is one of the most powerful defining forces of a culture. For example, stores would be closed on Saturday in Israel because that is the Sabbath in the Jewish religion. The hijab fashions in Muslim nations find their origin in the Koran’s prescriptions for modesty among women. However, religion makes the most profound impact on a culture when it is sponsored by the State. For example, many Middle Eastern and African nations have adopted Sharia Law, where thieves are punished by losing a hand, adulterers are stoned to death, and those failing to conform to the dress code are lashed. Before the Muslim Expansion, the predominant religions of the region were Judaism, Christianity, and Zoroastrianism. Tribal religions and local deities were also worshiped, as monism was not yet universal in the region. During the early seventh century C.E., Muhammad and his soldiers of faith left the Arabian Peninsula and spread their faith throughout the modern Middle East and Asia Minor. According to Cleveland (2004), this was able to happen because the Byzantine Empire of the West and the Sassanian Empire of Iran were becoming weaker after decades of warfare (p. 6). Since the Emperors could no longer adequately defend their territories, it was the perfect time for the fledgling Muslim Empire to take its place in history. Curiously, there is a strong tradition in the West of viewing the Middle East as a monolithic people of Arab extraction that are culturally and religiously similar. Although Islam is the dominant religion in the area, there are certainly ethnic and cultural differences as to how it is practiced (similar to the cultures formed around the Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant churches in predominantly Christian nations). The three states that will be examined in this paper are Israel, Iran, and Iraq: a Jewish state, a non-Arab Muslim state, and an Arab Muslim state. The choice of these countries will show the religious and cultural diversity of the Midd le East as well as explain how these forces clash when they come into contact. The Jewish State of Israel (formerly Palestine) is by far one of the most ethnically diverse nations in the Middle4 East. Because the Jewish people were scattered all over the world, today we have Jews with African, European, and Asian ethnic characteristics. At the beginning of Israel’s settlement, people had divided themselves by ethnicity, but today they are more divided by sect (degree of religious observance) and social class (Ayalon, Ben-Rafael, Sharot, 1991, p. 280). Shortly thereafter, they had to learn to work together because hostilities with their Arab neighbours threatened the existence of the new state. Suffice it to say, Israel had become accustomed to a siege mentality—segregating themselves from Palestinian and other Arab groups, creating a modern apartheid. Politically, their reasons for holding the territory and seeking foreign aid are rooted in the conviction that the land is theirs by right, as promised by God in their Scriptures (Cleveland, 2004, p . 240). There was also the very basic fear of facing extinction at the hands of an unjust government such as Hitler’s Germany and the pogroms sponsored by tsarist Russia. However, even within the Jewish community, there are several splits. According to Ayalon, Ben-Rafael Sharot (1991), there were reports of â€Å"numerous conflicts, some involving violent confrontations, between religious and secular Jews over such issues as public transportation on the Sabbath, opening cinemas on the Sabbath Eve, burning bus stations, displaying advertisements featuring women in swimming costumes or underwear, free movement of private transportation in areas close to religious neighbourhoods on the Sabbath†¦ and the question of who is a Jew† (p. 279). In Israel, there are those that identify as ethnic Jews even though they do not participate in the religious traditions of Judaism. With this question of definition, there is an implicit question of whether an individual can consider themselves Jewish if they do not identify with the teachings with Judaism. However, these questions have been rendered moot for Israeli citizenship, as non-practicing Jews were also targeted by major world government. For other religions, identity is determined by practice such as profession of faith, attendance at places of worship, and prayer. In other words, there is no such thing as a non-practicing Muslim. However, the Jewish religious spectrum is from Orthodox to the secular and non-practicing (Ayalon, Ben-Rafael, Sharot, 1991, p. 287). There are some Israelis that are atheist and do not observe any of the Jewish holidays or traditions and the Orthodox whose lives are still governed by laws written several thousand years ago. Most of Israel’s Jews fall somewhere in the middle, observing some of the traditions such as the Yom Kippur fast and Hanukkah. Around the time that Greece and Rome were building their sphere of influence, Iran (formerly Persia) was one of the most powerful empires in the world known for its progressive system of justice and great learning and recognized as the birthplace of Zoroastrianism, the Ba’hai religion, and Mithraism (which shares much in common with modern Christianity). Having a history of conquering and being conquered, the Iranian people were influenced by several cultural and religious traditions. However, since the twelfth century, almost 100% of the Iranian population embraced Islam (Cleveland, 2004, p. 33). Even so, the Iranians still resisted ‘Arabization’ and adopted the practice of their religion to Persian life and culture. For instance, unlike Arabs, most Persian Muslims are of the Shi’a sect. In addition, in pre-revolution Iran, professional women were not expected to wear the chador unless they were going to visit family friends or religious events (DeGroot, 2 007, p. 113). However, women of the lower classes were generally expected to wear them at all times. As we have mentioned before, there appears to be an inverse relationship between religious observance and income, which would explain this phenomenon. The Islamic revolution of 1979 was a strong rejection of Western power and the separation of the sexes in all social fields, though females are still allowed access to higher education. Given that the West equates itself with all that is noble and just, this was a surprising leap into backwardness, according to Western cultural commentators. However, to fully understand, Keddie Richard (2006) argues that we must take several factors into account such as the depressed standard of living for the middle class, rising unemployment and the decline of traditional values: â€Å"Once dependence on the West was associated with Western culture, and Western culture with moral decay, it was natural to seek Iran’s salvation not in the West ernization pushed by the shah’s regime but in a return to an idealized indigenous Islam† (Keddie Richard, 2006, p. 188). The revolution also brought about the enmity of Hussein’s Iraq as the Sunni leader was apprehensive that the Shi’a majority would stage a similar revolution and wrest power away from him—a factor strongly contributing to the Iran-Iraq War of the 1980’s (Cleveland, 2004, p. 415). This was quite a change from the past where the people were not very closely controlled by the government. When the Ottoman Turks ruled in Iraq, they confined themselves to the large cities and the people in outlying rural areas lived by their own rules more or less. Turning these pockets of autonomous tribes into a nation was far more difficult than any one administration could bring (Cleveland, 2004, p.204). In Iraq, there was always an enmity between the Sunni and Shi’a sects of Islam, and the nation was often beset with civil war. One of the more bitter cultural struggles are between those that want to adapt their faith to the modern era and the more conservative faction that want to preserve the social climate of their predecessors (Nakash, 2003, p. 262). Ethnically, Arabs comprise 80% of the population, however, slightly over half belong to the Shi’a sect and the minority were Sunnis. Sunni Kurds made up the remainder of the population, and they sought to remain culturally distinct from the Arabs (Cleveland, 2004, p. 205). Today, Iraq is occupied by the U.S. and a civil war between Sunni and Shi’a sects are raging. In sum, religion has shaped these countries profoundly. Israel attempts to expand its borders because her citizens believe that the land was given to them by God, Iran vacillates between modernization and radical Islam as many young Iranians have become quite progressive, and the Shi’a and Sunni Muslims of Iraq are engaged in a great battle for supremacy. In these regimes, there is no room for compromise on an international or social level because the current leadership and prevailing ruling class in each of these countries believes that they are on the right path. References Ayalon, H., Ben-Rafael, E. Sharot, S. (1991). Religious, Ethnic, and Class Divisions in Israel: Conversion or Cross-Cutting?. Tradition, Innovation, Conflict: Jewishness and Judaism in Contemporary Israel. (Sobel, Z. Beit-Hallahmi, B. eds,) New York: SUNY Press Cleveland, W.L. (2004). A History of the Modern Middle East (3rd ed.). Boulder, CO: Westview Press DeGroot, J. (2007). Religion, Culture and Politics in Iran: from the Qajars to Khomeini. London: I.B. Tauris Publishers Keddie, N.R. Richard, Y. (2006). Modern Iran: Roots and Results of Revolution. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press Nakash, Y. (2003). The Shi’is of Iraq. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press